What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 85 compounds, known collectively as Pytocannabinoids, that are naturally produced by a plant family in the Genus named Cannabis. CBD has been revered and safely utilized for medical purposes by indigenous healers in ancient India, China and Tibet for over 5000 years. It was introduced into Western medicine in 1839 by a surgeon who learned of its healing abilities in India.
CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) are the two most abundant Cannabis Phytocannabinoids possessing therapeutic properties. The two varieties of Cannabis that contain these Phytocannabinoids are Hemp and Marijuana. They differ greatly in their physical distinctions and in their uses.
1. Hemp, classified as “Cannabis Sativa” (also referred to as “Industrial Hemp”), has been used for millennia to produce such things as paper, fabric and clothing, construction materials, auto parts, food and drink and body care products. The parts of the plant traditionally utilized are its stalks, stems and seeds. It contains a large amount of CBD and a small amount, .3% or less, of THC. In December 2018, Congress legalized the cultivation of hemp and the transfer of hemp derived CBD products across state lines that contain less than .3% THC.

2. Marijuana is classified as two strains - Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Marijuana Sativa has the highest levels of THC (50-60%), but both strains contain significantly more THC than Hemp Sativa. The parts of the plant utilized are its leaves and flowers. While marijuana also has medical and therapeutic benefits to offer, it has been used chiefly for recreational purposes. While at this time marijuana is still federally illegal to grow, produce and possess, it has been fully legalized in many states with additional states approving its medical usage.